
8/08/2014 Unknown 0 Comments

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you
before you were born I set you apart."

Jeremiah 1:5

We live in a very loud world. So loud that we can't even hear ourselves. 
Stop. Pause. Think.
Who am I?
What was I created for?

Amidst the chaos of this world, remember your Creator. 
We get so lost in this noisy, loud world. So lost that we forget what we're here for. 
Before we were born, God already knew our whole life story. 
He loved us that much. He loved us so much that He, the perfect author, knitted together our beautiful life story. He took the time to do all of that just for you: His child.

And, in the end, when you're sighing your last breath, you'll see how amazing God has planned out your life; how amazing and loving our God is.
I was created. I was created to be His chosen people. His daughter.
To be holy. To be a messenger for this world. To be a light for those in the darkness.
All of me, my distinct characteristics, my talents, my weaknesses are all for His glory. 
God will gladly use all of this for His kingdom. 
"Here I am, Lord, use me  for your glory."

I know who I am. The world will not dictate how I should be. 
I am His. I am a daughter of God.
I will stand firm. Stand firm for God, even when the whole world doesn't. I'm willing to give up everything and anything for God. 
Because I know what I was created for.


August 7, 2014

I visited Parsons for a college tour yesterday! 
The campus is pretty amazing, definitely embodying creativity and design.
Parsons is the top (or one of the top) fashion school in the world. 

I fall in love with New York City, every time. I'm improving in my nyc-navigation too.

We, unintentionally, passed by Pratt Institute, as well. 
Pratt is also one of the top fashion schools.

Right beside this building is the Salvation Army, where they were about to hold the MisFit conference 2014. Hillsong Young & Free, Andy Mineo and a few other Christian speakers and artists were right there! 

nyc adventures with my dad, who never fails to go with me. 

#bathroomselfie before I went to nyc

Necklace - Urban Outfitters
Top - H&M
Blazer - Momsy's closet
High waisted black shorts - Forever 21
Black bag - Versace
Arm Candy & Ring - product of my accessory hoarding
Black Platform Sneakers - H&M

Adventures await!

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