Soul Anchor 2015: The Movement
The hour drive to Newark, the 6 hour flight to LAX, the hour drive to the WIN LA building, the 2 hour drive up to the mountains of Yucaipa to the campsite, Oak Glen.
All this traveling and fatigue was worth it, for when we experienced that first night, we felt the wonderful presence of the Lord. And to this day, it hasn't left us. And for the rest of our lives, we'll continue to feel His presence and we'll continue to run to Him always.
For we are a generation called. For we are a generation sanctified and set apart. For we are the generation that will start this movement. The movement our Savior, Jesus Christ, started 2000 years ago. And we are here. We are here to continue this mission that He has left for us to fulfill. He is coming. And we should be ready.
"For those God foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And those He predestined, He also called; those He called, He also justified; those He justified, He also glorified."
Romans 8:28-30
The video above is by our very own Jeru Sanchez, starring some of our youth delegates. Very proud of them and how much we've grown in the past two years.
It was a blessing for us to meet and experience other believers. We've been inspired in serving God so much more. To be in the presence of others who love and serve God is just simply wonderful. I'm just in awe and this is only the first glimpse of the Heaven.
Youth delegates from WIN churches all over USA |
WIN East Coast (NY, NJ, MA) |
Pastors' Kids |
My lovely DOUGIE cell group |
*Some aren't the best quality photos, but the experience is definitely a high def one.
Thank You, Lord, for this wonderful experience. Without You, this would all be for nothing. But thank You for a magnificent God like You, who came down for us and made us worthy.
Thank you, Soul Anchor and the whole committee.
Adventures Await!